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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - plasma


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Перевод с английского языка plasma на русский


1) плазма

2) положительный столб (тлеющего разряда), положительное тлеющее свечение

plasma under gravity — плазма в поле силы тяжести

accelerating plasmaactivated plasmaafterglow plasmaalternating-current plasmaanode plasmaarc plasmaarc-discharge plasmaavalanche plasmabackground plasmabounded plasmacathode plasmacathode-spot plasmacharge-exchange plasmacold plasmacollapsing plasmacollisionless plasmaconfined plasmaconstant-pressure plasmacosmic plasmaCoulomb plasmacounterstreaming plasmacurrent-carrying plasmacurrent-free plasmadense plasmadiffused plasmadiffusing plasmadilute plasmadischarge plasmadisturbed plasmadrifting plasmaelectrodeless plasmaelectron plasmaelectron-hole plasmaelectron-ion plasmaelectron-positron plasmaelectron-proton plasmaenergetic plasmaequilibrium plasmaequipotential plasmaexosphere plasmaexploded-wire plasmaexploding-wire plasmaextraterrestial plasmafree plasmafree-carrier plasmafully ionized plasmafusion plasmagas plasmagas-discharge plasmagyroelectric plasmagyromagnetic plasmagyrotropic plasmahelically rotating plasmahigh-beta plasmahigh-density plasmahigh-energy plasmahigh-frequency plasmahigh-temperature plasmahot plasmahot-electron cold-ion plasmahot-ion plasmahydrogen plasmaimpact-ionized plasmainjected plasmainterplanetary plasmainterstellar plasmaion plasmaion-dominated plasmaion-electron plasmaion-ion plasmaionospheric plasmaisothermal plasmaisotropic plasmalaminar plasmalaser-heated plasmalaser-induced plasmalaser-induced plasma created above surfacelaser-irradiated plasmalaser-produced plasmalinearly graded plasmalongitudinally magnetized plasmaLorentz plasmalow-beta plasmalow-density plasmalow-pressure plasmalow-temperature plasmaluminescent plasmaluminous plasmamagnetically confined plasmamagnetized plasmamagnetoactive plasmamagnetoionic plasmamagnetospheric plasmamicrowave plasmamicrowave-discharge plasmamicrowave-heated plasmamonochromatic-electron plasmamonocomponent plasmamulticomponent plasmamultipactoring plasmanear-Earth plasmaneutral plasmaneutron-producing plasmanondegenerate plasmanonequilibrium plasmanonisothermal plasmanonneutral plasmanonrelativistic plasmaone-carrier plasmaone-fluid plasmaopaque plasmaoptically excited plasmaoverdense plasmapartially ionized plasmaplanar stratified plasmapolycomponent plasmapreionized plasmaquasi-equilibrium plasmaquasi-neutral plasmaquiescent plasmaradiating plasmaradiation-produced plasmararefied plasmarecombining plasmareentry plasmaresidual plasmaresistive plasmaresonant plasmasecondary plasmaself-confined plasmaself-generated plasmaself-induced plasmaself-pinched plasmaself-sustaining plasmasemiconductor plasmashock heated plasmashock-tube plasmasolar plasmasolar-wind plasmasolid-state plasmastable plasmastationary plasmasteady-state plasmastreamer plasmastripped plasmasupercooled plasmathermal plasmathermodynamically equilibrium plasmathermonuclear plasmatheta-pinch plasmatoroidal plasmatoroidal octupole plasmatoroidal quadrupole plasmatransient plasmatrapped plasmaturbulent plasmatwo-carrier plasmauncompensated plasmaundisturbed plasmaunmagnetized plasmaunstable plasmawarm plasmaweakly ionized plasmawell-ionized plasmaθ-pinch plasma

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  noun  1) physiol. плазма  2) biol. протоплазма  3) min. гелиотроп, зеленый халцедон ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. физиол. плазма (крови), гемолимфа 2. биол. протоплазма 3. физ. плазма 4. мин. плазма, гелиотроп, зеленый халцедон ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  см. plasm ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) плазма 2) плазменно-дуговой 3) плазменный arc-heated plasma chamber — электродуговая плазменная установка closed-drift plasma accelerator — ускоритель плазменный с замкнутым дрейфом continuous plasma dynamics — макродинамика плазмы electron plasma modes — электронные колебания плазмы gas plasma display element — компьют. трубка газонаполненная laser ablation plasma — физ. плазма лазерная эрозионная magnetically confined plasma — магнитно удерживаемая плазма plasma electron-beam welding — электроннолучевая сварка в плазме plasma spraying process — плазменная металлизация to constrict plasma — отшнуровывать плазму - arc plasma generator - arc plasma - breakdown plasma - collisional plasma - confinement of plasma - current-carrying plasma - decaying plasma - detachment of plasma - electron plasma - equilibrium plasma - gas-discharge plasma - glow-discharge plasma - hot plasma - incompressible plasma - ion plasma frequency - ion plasma vibrations - ion plasma - ionospheric plasma - low-density plasma - low-temperature plasma - magnetized plasma - neutral plasma - nonequilibrium plasma - nonthermal plasma - perfect plasma - perturb plasma - shock plasma - shock-layer plasma - strip plasma - thermonuclear plasma - unstable plasma ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) плазма 2) положительный столб (тлеющего разряда), положительное тлеющее свечение - accelerated plasma - boundary plasma - catalyzed D-D plasma - charge-exchange plasma - classical one-component plasma - cold plasma - collisional plasma - collisionless plasma - coma plasma - cosmic plasma - dense plasma - D-fusion plasma - discharge plasma - electron-hole plasma - electron-ion plasma - electron-positron plasma - electron-proton plasma - extraterrestrial plasma - fully ionized plasma - fusion plasma - gas-discharge plasma - gas plasma - high-density plasma - hot plasma - interplanetary plasma - interstellar plasma - ionospheric plasma - isothermal plasma - low-temperature plasma - magnetically confined plasma - magnetized plasma - magnetospheric plasma - magnetospheric tail plasma - microwave plasma - near-Earth plasma - noble-gas plasma - noncircular plasma - nonisothermal plasma - nonterrestrial plasma - ohmically heated plasma - partially ionized plasma - reentry plasma - semiconductor plasma - solar plasma - solar wind plasma - space plasma - stable plasma - stellar plasma - stripped plasma - topside ionospheric plasma - toroidal plasma - trapped plasma - unstable plasma ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (also plasm) 1 the colourless fluid part of blood, lymph, or milk, in which corpuscles or fat-globules are suspended. 2 = PROTOPLASM. 3 a gas of positive ions and free electrons with an approximately equal positive and negative charge. 4 a green variety of quartz used in mosaic and for other decorative purposes. Derivatives plasmatic adj. plasmic adj. Etymology: LL, = mould f. Gk plasma -atos f. plasso to shape ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: German, from Late Latin, something molded, from Greek, from plassein to mold — more at plaster  Date: 1772  1. a green faintly translucent quartz  2. New Latin, from Late Latin  a. the fluid part of blood, lymph, or milk as distinguished from suspended material; especially blood ~  b. the juice that can be expressed from muscle  3. protoplasm  4. a collection of charged particles (as in the atmospheres of stars or in a metal) containing about equal numbers of positive ions and electrons and exhibiting some properties of a gas but differing from a gas in being a good conductor of electricity and in being affected by a magnetic field  5. a display (as a television screen) consisting of discrete cells of ~ sandwiched between two layers of glass and electrodes such that each cell emits light when it receives an electric current  • ~tic adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Plasma is the clear liquid part of blood which contains the blood cells. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the yellowish liquid part of the blood that contains blood cells 2 the living substance inside a cell; protoplasm 3 a gas at a very high temperature inside stars, in flashes of electricity etc ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1620, "form, shape," from L.L. plasma, from Gk. plasma "something molded or created," from plassein "to mold." Sense of "liquid part of blood" is from 1845; that of "ionized gas" is 1928. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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